David Birnbaum Philosophy

/Glossary Abridged




...of first tier of Potentialism Terms

Over the past three decades (since KTAV published Summa I in 1988) Birnbaum's Potentialism Theory has been built-out. As such, it has developed its own lexicon to describe its fundamental principle of Potentialism.

Potentialists define the universal drive of cosmology as the Infinite Quest for Potential. This is the inherent “drive” of the cosmos to seek its own ever-further complexity/sophistication/wondrousness.

Potential journeys towards a non-concretized state of infinite complexity/sophistication/wondrousness. The universe moves inexorably towards this infinite goal.


Potentialism itself represents a new metaphysics/science for a new century. It provides an overarching 21st century metaphysics that seeks no less than to encompass the scientific, the religious, the spiritual, the secular and the philosophical.

Fully encompassing all modern science, Potentialism is potentially (repeat: potentially) a candidate - in due course - for a (true) Theory of Everything – not only in scientific terms, but in all terms meaningful to humankind.

Potentialism seeks to arm those seeking an understanding of the cosmic order with the tools necessary to have a “seat at the table” for this new metaphysics. All are invited as science comes back to the metaphysics table after a de facto three century, post-Spinoza hiatus.

Following is an (abridged) short glossary of core, key terms of Potentialism.


Q4P∞ The Infinite Quest for Infinite Potential
- usually shortened to Quest for Potential in conversation, though the formal name best represents the iterative, infinite nature of Potential. This represents the universe’s innate drive towards fulfilling its true potential. Also commonly denoted as Q4P∞ or, super-shorthand: Q4P.

Note that there are multiple embedded infinities in Q4P∞:
See  Infinity-3.com


Cosmic Womb of Potential


C+ Complexification
The hypothesized cosmic intermediate drive – “Q4P’s handmaiden” – maneuvering the cosmos towards greater complexity/sophistication/richness/integration/variety/wondrousness.

In turn, note that one of the components of Complexification just-noted above is ‘integration’; meaning, Complexification does not occur divorced from the cosmic landscape; rather, Complexification integrates into-the-process the harmonization/optimization of the ongoing Complexification with the existing bio-landscape.

Complexification seeks quantum jumps – QJs (see entry in this same Glossary) – as opposed to incremental advance.

In its ongoing march of Complexification – the universe moves ever-and-ever closer to what Birnbaum calls Extraordinariation (E+) – the universal end-goal – a horizon to be approached, but never quite realized – and a state otherwise defined as hyper-Complexification.


E+ Extraordinariation.
The end-goal of this journey towards increased complexity/sophistication/wondrousness is referred to as Extraordinariation (see Extraordinariation.com). Extraordinariation is not so much a precise destination as an ideal goal to be sought-after, albeit never quite fully-realized.


Q4P∞ → C+ → E+
[ the SuperLaw / Super-Formula ]

The fundamental, core/primal drive of the cosmic dynamic. This represents the Infinite Quest for Potential which drives the cosmic order towards greater and greater complexity and onward towards Extraordinariation.


The fusion of -

Q4P = Infinite Quest for Potential
Q3 = Quantum - information processing / messaging / engineering

yields >


- the hybrid potential driver

And, it is Q4P/Q3 which tweaks the genomes
... and yields Evolution


Summa Metaphysica is a paradigm-changing work; it entirely changes the way we look at everything.

- M.D.

David Birnbaum Metaphysics