Academic Imperialism

David Birnbaum Metaphysics

March 12, 2014

Academic Imperialism

The Colonies Revolt: II

The American Revolution was a political upheaval over an 18-year period 1765-1783.

Midway through this period the iconic Declaration of Independence was proclaimed in 1776 heralding the founding of the United States of America. The 13 U.S. colonies had revolted against British imperialism. Their motto: ‘No taxation without representation.’

Abuse of power 21st Century style

Fast-forward to the 26-year period, 1988-2014: A small but organized clique of hard-line atheistic British academics have gained hegemony over the leading academic journals – a primary lever of power in academe – as publication of articles in academic journals is a route to tenure, and prestigious academic appointments.

Through their stranglehold over key journals, the Randomness/atheistic hierarchy exerts asymmetric influence over Western academe. Atheism dovetails with a pseudo-scientific view of the universe called Randomness Theory – and this same atheist clique aggressively foists this Randomness/atheistic ideology over Western academe. [Note for context that hardline atheism is embraced by just ~1% of the global population.]

It would seem the British have not so much given up on imperialism as they have changed their battlefront. What used to be fought on a political field is now taking place in the halls of academia. British academics, like their forerunner British imperialist before them, have incredibly sought to control debate and permissible ideas in the world of science. Much as they unilaterally redefined geographical borders during imperialist expansion, an entrenched British atheistic academic crew now seeks to unilaterally freeze the borders of acceptable scientific discussion.
The British atheistic academic hierarchy champions Randomness theory – and zealously imposes it globally wherever its tentacles reach. Randomness theory presses the (counterintuitive) proposition that the entire universe is a random-chance happening: Thus, the Big Bang, the billions of galaxies, the trillions of stars, the myriad solar systems, bio-forms, evolution, language, emotion, sexuality, consciousness et al. are all, according to Randomness theory, just pure chance happenstance. And all these happenstances just happened to intersect and coalesce and thrive in our little universe.
Also like their imperial British forefathers, the British atheist academics seek to impose this aimless schema across academe globally without the inclusion of external give-and-take. The British atheistic academic orthodoxy, it seems, would have us stay within the vacuous intellectual box they have delineated, while denying anyone a voice. Taxation without representation, indeed.

The Second Colonial Revolt

It may be that the British academic community has forgotten the lessons of its forerunner’s imperialistic past. The latter half of the last century and the beginning of the current one have seen the rise of a new wave of vibrant independent minds revolted by the force-feeding of Randomness theory across academe. Far from being cowed by the political machinations of the ‘entrenched orthodoxy’ (atheism camp), these dynamic thought leaders are intellectually independent and self-assured. If anything, they grown in resolve and voice as a consequence of the Orwelian political games played by the academic hierarchy.

NEW YORK / midtown area: Between 1988 and 2005, David Birnbaum, an independent philosopher and metaphysicist, set out to challenge the monolith of British orthodoxy. His critically acclaimed multi-part treatise Summa Metaphysica would directly challenge them. The atheistic group has tried to suppress his ideas globally – but has failed.

The very basic assumptions of the British atheist academic world's theory of universal origin, Randomness, would come under withering intellectual assault from Birnbaum. Challenging Randomness theory head-on, Birnbaum's Theory of Infinite Potential would, for the first time, provide a powerful, bulletproof scientific, mathematical and philosophical model for the cosmic order. Included in the theory would be a powerful teleology (plan and purpose to the universe), as well.

Teleology is, by simple definition, the study of evidence of design and purpose across the natural order. Design and purpose is in sharp contrast to the suppositions held by Randomness/atheism, which has decided axiomatically that nothing in the universe has design or purpose. For the zealot Randomness-atheist crew, any intellectual argument for ‘design or purpose’ to the universe is the proverbial anti-Christ to be fought-to-the-death. Thus, David Birnbaum, author of the iconic 3-volume treatise Summa Metaphysica emerges as Public Enemy #1 of the global hardline atheist community.

Birnbaum’s Summa Metaphysica treatise proposes that “there is a protagonist to the cosmic order, but that the protagonist is a ‘quest’ and not an entity. The universe quests for its maximal potential. The core dynamic Quest for Potential strives with purpose and direction towards ever-greater and higher potential. At the beginning of time,’ eternal Quest for Potential harnessed the eternal equations of Physics-Mathematics to ignite our universe via the Big Bang. This same symbiotic dynamic – Quest for Potential in league with Physics-Math – then acted as a catalyst for life, evolution, language, emotion, consciousness, and, indeed, for all the key dynamics which have evolved in the universe.”

Birnbaum has blown a hole in Randomness theory which its zealous proponents cannot close. Birnbaum – via his Quest for Potential has shown that not only is there both design and purpose to the universe but that that both are Physics-Math based. The gaping hole that Potentialism has blown in the palace gates of Randomness/atheism is a large one. Birnbaum’s powerful theory has provided the hoped-for opening for other minds to speak out against the (fatal) intellectual flaws of Randomness as well, let alone, their 20+ year highly-politicized gambit of trying to bully the academic world and suppress debate.

Over a dozen journals have featured Birnbaum’s Summa Metaphysica and its Theory of Potential in the 2013-2014 period alone.

MASSACHUSETTS: One such man is Seth Lloyd, MIT professor of Mechanical Engineering in Boston, MA., and the author of Programming the Universe (2006). Lloyd, a highly respected name in quantum mechanics and quantum theory, has worked extensively to help scientists understand the universe in terms of a quantum computational model. His work expresses in mathematical terms how the universe can be examined as a teleologically (purpose) driven model following a pre-destined program or set of rules. His theory parallels Birnbaum’s prior Potentialism theory.

NEW YORK / Greenwich Village area: At the more philosophical end of the spectrum is Thomas Nagel of NY. Nagel has done in-depth philosophical analysis of the limitations and mistakes of the Randomness model. Nagel sets forth an elegant argument for a natural teleological drive for the universe. For this work Mind & Cosmos (2012) Nagel was attacked savagely by the atheist orthodox community. His book wasn't even a direct attack against atheism. In fact, Nagel himself is an atheist but his cardinal sin from the British perspective was in not being zealous enough in defending atheism’s pet theory of Randomness. The problem, however, resides solely with the inherent weakness of Randomness which Nagel delineated, not in Nagel. Randomness Theory fatally lacks the flexibility to incorporate any purposefulness to the universe.

MAINE: The Randomness model of cosmology has likewise been challenged by biologists in recent years. Dr. Andrei Alyokhin, Professor of Biology and Ecology at the University of Maine likewise supports a teleological model as a cosmic order which would explain many phenomena Randomness fails to. In fact, he strongly supports Birnbaum's Potentialism Theory, observing that as a metaphysics it uniquely explains the observable basic laws of ecology in which governs the growth and regulation of populations of living organisms.

The Battle Lines Have Been Drawn

Randomness proponents have thus far showed a monolithic unified front intended to maintain the imperialism of the British atheistic academic orthodoxy in a position of absolute power. Through distribution of academic rewards and a tight control of academic journals and media, the atheistic sect of academia has sought – directly and through atheist surrogates in the media- to control and/or suppress the release of information or any competing theories through any means necessary: coercion, academic censorship, libel and ad hominem attacks.

What the academic establishment hasn't been able to do is silence dissenters or answer the challenges which teleology supporters have leveled against Randomness Theory; this challenge is starting to become noticed and make significant headway; indeed, breaks in the ranks of the academic front are starting to show.

CONNECTICUT: Academic champions, such as Yale professor of Computer Science David Gelernter, have begun to speak up in the media and call out the libelous attacks on those who disagree with the atheist academics for what they are – ‘bullying tactics’ and a ‘lynch mob’ modus operandi meant to intimidate their peers into conformity – and to stifle innovation in cosmology.

History repeats itself

What should be scientific evolution – the progression of science and philosophy towards a greater understanding of the natural world – has instead been bottled-up for decades; however, the strangulation of debate has now instigated a Second American Revolution It may be that British academia is about to receive another history lesson.

High-handed tactics and intimidation only work against the meek. To apply these tactics against the highly-focused quite formidable intellects of those who study the very nature of the universe is a fool's errand. The British academic atheist net may snare the less involved academics protective of their tenure, who would not wish to face the wrath of the British academic institute; however, intimidation and defamation is ultimately a futile tactic to employ against the formidable players they actually need to silence to achieve their nefarious objectives.

Much as British high-handedness to suppress human potential ended disastrously in the past, it seems they are destined to repeat their same disastrous imperialistic gambits. Every attack they've leveled, has only served to highlight their insecurity, cast further doubt on their intellectual integrity, and highlight the ultimately fatal weakness of their randomness schema. The Second Colonist Revolution is unfolding and the British academic orthodoxy stands on the wrong side of the battle lines. Its intellectually and morally bankrupt ivory tower of power is now under quite-formidable assault.




Cosmology, Metaphysics & Philosophy: See sample testimonial on Summa Metaphysica, David Birnbaum's philosophy treatise:


“…a major contribution to the Jewish conversations through the ages, on theodicy, and the problem of evil generally.”

- Dr. Norman Lamm, President, Yeshiva University, New York, NY

David Birnbaum Philosophy

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