Drob Intro


Drob Intro


See also David Birnbaum  Potentialism Theory, Quest for Potential (Q4P), Theory of Everything,
The David Birnbaum metaphysics/cosmology unifies physics, spirituality and philosophy.
Iconoclast David Birnbaum's Philosophy rivets. His paradigm-changing simultaneous solution Cosmic Womb of Potential metaphysics de facto cracks the cosmic code.




Cosmology, Metaphysics & Philosophy: See sample testimonial on Summa Metaphysica, David Birnbaum’s philosophy treatise:


“This book accomplishes a remarkable feature. It manages to provide a theodicy within the framework of traditional Jewish belief and philosophy and not only a theodicy which works, but which does so with intellectual rigor and emotional satisfaction. The intellectual honesty and emotional sensitivity are apparent on every page.”

– Professor David M. Goldenberg, Associate Director, Annenberg Research Institute, Philadelphia, PA

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