June 30, 2014
focus: Potentialism Theory by David Birnbaum
NEWSVINE - Revolution
Intellectual Revolution Underway
By GeneralArticles
Mon Jun 30, 2014 10:51 AM
There are certain watershed moments in the history of science and philosophy, revolutions not only in discovery but for the scientific approach as a whole – the Renaissance, the Industrial Revolution, the age of relativity and quantum physics, and even the Digital Revolution. History may look back to this, our current age, as the Age of Potentialism.
On its surface, Potentialism is a philosophical and scientific model of cosmology (see PotentialismTheory.com). More importantly though, it is a revolution in scientific theory and approach. For hundreds of years atheism has ruled science. In the name of scientific progress, academics have stepped away from the classic philosophical teachings of Plato and Aristotle; declaring that all but the hard, measurable sciences are nothing but myth and fantasy.
Certainly this has gone far to remove the superstitions of a previous era. Like most things though, it can be taken too far. What was once a catalyst for scientific progress now serves the unintended purpose of actually inhibiting progress. Abstract philosophy and metaphysics serve a very real function which contemporary academics have lost sight of – they embrace what is real, but beyond mankind's ability to, as of yet, fully understand and quantify.
Aristotle understood one of the most important imperatives of scholarship – humility. To truly learn, one must embrace and accept how much one is actually ignorant of. The entrenched modern orthodox academia has lost this precious understanding (see https://www.summametaphysica.com/academic-imperialism/). Clinging desperately to such outdated paradigms as the nihilistic Randomness Theory, it has embarked on the fool's errand of pronouncing its complete understanding of cosmic order; it has labeled the metaphysical, that which is beyond science currently, as invalid and unworthy of study or regard as true science.
History will show that this is not scientific rigor, but intellectual narcissism gone unchecked; their days are numbered. Potentialists are ushering in a new era of scientific enlightenment. Not content to shy fearfully from the unknown, Potentialists are carving new pathways to cosmic understanding (see SummaCoverage.com).
In 350 BC Aristotle empirically proved the earth was round. Over 1800 years later, Columbus would set off to pull the shroud of ignorance off the eyes of Europe to once again prove Aristotle's wisdom. Aristotle also laid the foundation of teleology that the cosmos moved with determination to some cause and design. Now some 2300 years later, Potentialists set sail into waters unknown to champion teleology, their captain on the voyage – David Birnbaum (see ExaminerPurpose.com).
Birnbaum, like Columbus before him, takes Aristotle's ground breaking work and – in a revolutionary fashion – brings it into contemporary context. In his three-part treatise (see SummaMetaphysica.com), Summa Metaphysica I, II and III, Birnbaum lays the foundation of Potentialism – a complete teleological model functioning within the real scientific bounds of mathematics and physics (see PotentialismTheory.com/ParadigmChallenge/).
Some people are born before their time and their importance is undeniable. Aristotle was one of those men. He could envision truths in the world that, at the time, were unprovable. For humanity, these people have always been crucially important – catalysts of human enlightenment. Just as crucial though, are those men, like Birnbaum and Columbus before him, that were born at just the right time – men with the vision to take the seeds of wisdom from those such as Aristotle, plant them and nurture them to maturity.
Columbus had something Aristotle would never have – Spanish ships, superior navigational technology and the vision and strength of will to apply them to realize another man's dream. Birnbaum, likewise, had tools Aristotle could only wish for – integral calculus and quantum physics. And like Columbus before him, Birnbaum could not contentedly look at a map covered in dragons beyond the known borders of science.
Birnbaum (see David1000.com) has taken up the flag of philosophical pioneering to push the border between science and metascience forward. Like Columbus, he could not be content with the willful ignorance of orthodox science, but instead seeks to shed light on the unknown. As for those lucky enough to exist in this current time, they'll be able to see the new world being explored. Potentialism has set sail for these ready-to-explore lands and has offered passage to anyone brave enough board.
focus: David Birnbaum's Potentialism Theory