“A Major Work in the Philosophy of Religion”*

“ ... there is no comparable volume offering such a comprehensive, authoritative and intelligible discussion of the problem… a remarkable effort to offer a fresh approach. ”
Paul Mendez-Flohr, Professor of Philosophy, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Editor, Contemporary Jewish Religious Thought

“ …an original, and, in this reader’s opinion, a very promising point of view… the author gathers a philosophically coherent and, in the end, highly modern insight… a unified metaphysics… ”
Louis Dupré, Professor of Religious Studies, Yale University

“ …a major work in the Philosophy of Religion…a masterful achievement…a novel and satisfying approach… a major intellectual achievement. ”
*Cannon William Johnson, Professor of Philosophy, Brandeis University

“ …a major contribution to the Jewish conversations through the ages, on theodicy, and the problem of evil generally. ”
Dr. Norman Lamm, President, Yeshiva University

“David Birnbaum brings the rich resources of the Jewish tradition to bear on the universal problem of theodicy. The result is a new synthesis… I can certainly recommend it as a fascinating contribution to the philosophy of religion which merits the attention of Christians and Jews alike. ”
John J. Collins, Professor of Theology, University of Notre Dame Editor, Journal of Biblical Literature

“ God and Evil represents a bold attempt to formulate an ingenious theory, which, drawing upon creative reinterpretations of classical Jewish doctrine, places the Free Will Defense within a broader metaphysical framework… ”
Rabbi Walter S. Wurzburger, Professor of Philosophy, Yeshiva University, Editor, Tradition

“ All who read this book will find much instruction, insight, and material for reflection…I find the overall thesis of the book touching and inspiring… ”
Rabbi Irving Greenberg, President, The National Jewish Center for Learning and Scholarship (CLAL)

“ A major work…a great intellectual and spiritual effort ”
Joseph Dan, Professor of Kabbalah, Hebrew University


“…a major intellectual triumph and potential conceptual breakthrough”
- Professor Emeritus John Wheeler, Princeton

from the Foreword by KHALIL

“…Birnbaum feels no compulsion to obey the rules that his intellectual predecessors followed. Building on the foundation of ancient Jewish principles, Particularly Kabbalistic ones, he is not afraid to draw on Eastern principles of temporal circularity, concepts from biology and physics that have yet to be applied to metaphysical issues, or insights from other scientific and humanistic disciplines that have been left untapped in philosophy.

Asserting that previous attempts to characterize the essence of the cosmos have fallen short for heir lack of an adequate conceptual arsenal, as exemplified by Maimonides` and Aristotle`s impasse, he consolidates these eclectic influences into a defined set of metaphysical `tools`. Birnbaum present these tools at the outset of god and good. He then uses them to build a model that is applicable to all the arenas from which its influences were initially derived.

The implications of Birnbaum`s original – markedly straightforward – doctrine therefore, range from the most general to the most specific. The doctrine is unified by the central thesis that unbounded potentiality pulls both the individual and the cosmos towards a Divine Ideal. Potential is universal.Potential is the nexus…”



Summa Metaphysica series
God and Evil (1986)
God and Good (2005)
The Transcendent Dynamic (2014)

AIHS Heritage Journal New York
NahumN.GIal/cr Boston University
Dr. Sanford Drob Founder. NY Jewish Review
Professor William Johnson Brandcu University
Rabbi Benjamin В lech Ycshiva University
Professor Masako Nakagawa Villanovu University

Q4P∞ > C+ > E+
- THEORY OF POTENTIAL (encapsulated)

“Birnbaum’s Theory of Potential offers a unified, grand and dynamic cosmic construct.”
The Huffington Post, United Kingdom, January / 31 / 2014

“Spinoza and Birnbaum are paradigm-breaking philosophers who have shaped the study of philosophy. Both their works can be found in university classrooms across the country and the world.”
CNN iReport, April / 9 / 2014

“The 21st century has seen a rise in new theories of cosmology. At the forefront has been Potentialism. The theory was developed by independent scholar David Birnbaum of Manhattan [via] his 3-volume treatise Summa Metaphysica. The theory is an iconic paradigm challenge.”
The Epoch Times, June / 4 / 2014

“David Birnbaum, metaphysicist and private scholar, set out on an audacious odyssey [culminationg] in 1988 and 2005 to redefine modern cosmology as we know it. What he gave the world was a metaphysics for the 21st century.”

Future Technology (Virginia Tech), April / 21 / 2014

“…Summa represents a bold attempt to formulate a unifying concept of the Universe…it is reasonable to propose the Quest for Potential∞ as a working hypothesis for explaining the impetus behind the cosmic dynamic.”

Dr. Andrei Alyokhin, Maine, November, 2012
Professor and Graduate Coordinator, School of Biology and Ecology
University of Maine

“Each thought leader [Birnbaum of Manhattan(1988, 2005) and Lloyd of MIT(2006)] individually proposes a ground breaking solution. Both of their respective solutions are original, but are nevertheless eerily inter-related and parallel.”

Frontiers, Dec 21 / 2013

“We hope to explain the entire universe in a simple formula you can put on your T-shirt.”

Leon Lederman, Texas, 1983
American experimental physicist
Nobel Prize in Physics

( or see )



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