AFTERWORD to 120 Angels

Published on 7 Sep 2006 at 10:11 am. No Comments.
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“Holy quest for potential is the underlying core dynamic
of the cosmic order.

Holy quest for potential is the “primal scream” of the cosmos. Holy Potential, emanating through and from the
Divine essence, radiates through the universe— questing,
pulsating, exploding, reaching, energizing, expanding,
in time and out-of-time.

It is at the core of the holy/natural drive of the cosmos.
It is the “primal engine” of cosmic existence.”

– from the work
God & Evil
PART TWO, Section 200.00


“V’hassneh einenu u’kkal”

“But, the bush is not consumed”

The Biblical author (the GODHEAD of the infinite “holy” human/Divine consciousness) was keen to the mysteries of the cosmos, but his audience was simply not ready….

It was three and a half thousand years premature to unveil the cornerstone secrets of the cosmic order….

Instead, the Biblical author wrapped the key cosmic secret — Eheyeh Asher Eheyeh — the key to the Cosmic Code – in an enigmatic Burning Bush at the epicenter of the saga that liberated the Jews — a saga that would be re-told year after year at Passover at a minimum, decade after decade, century after century, millennium after millennium by an indefatigable — and truly eternal people.

end of 120 Angels


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