
Published on 7 Sep 2006 at 3:47 am. No Comments.
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The final section, The Lost Manual,
which comes later at the very end of the book,
is built on two Parallel Tracks:

A “Wisdom Book”

and a

“Self-Actualization Book”


Simultaneously, implicit in this body of work is another key proposition and theme: namely, that what is true on a cosmic level, metaphysically is also true, in parallel, on a personal level “self-actualization”— wise, and vice versa.

Meaning, by understanding one, we achieve a fuller and more profound understanding of the other.
Each can provide crucial clues as to the other. I operate under a related corollary of mine – that gaps in one can be filled-in, by examining the other.
I propose that this elegant – and awesomely powerful –
‘cosmic detective tool’ will enable philosophers and metaphysicians to fill in gaps or fine-tune aspects of Metaphysics.

I posit that metaphysical themes which play out on a grand cosmic level, driving the cosmos, have direct, usually 1:1 parallels with mortal dynamics.

Inasmuch as I also posit that every single human is a universe, albeit physically smaller than the grand Universe which we operate in, the parallel works elegantly and powerfully.



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