Appositions (p.vii)

hard cover page vii

I will betroth you unto Me forever;
I will betroth you unto Me in righteousness and in justice, in kindness and in mercy.
I will betroth you unto Me in faithfulness; and you shall know the Lord”
-Hosea 2:2 1-22

In 1942 the medical service of the Revier [Ravensbruck death camp] were required to perform abortions on all pregnant women. If a child happened to [be] born alive, it would be smothered or drowned in a bucket in front of the mother. Given a newborn child’s natural resistance to drowning, a baby’s agony might last for twenty or thirty minutes.

The Lord, the Lord is a merciful and gracious God,
slow to anger and abounding in kindness and truth,
He keeps kindness to the thousandth generation.
-Exodus 34:6-7

According to the West German arrest papers, Dr. Mengele was accused of the following crimes, among others: sorting out arriving prisoners, particularly old people, children and pregnant women, for immediate gassing; throwing the Zyklon B poison gas into the gas chambers; throwing children alive into fires; conducting medical experiments on living prisoners, especially twins, by injecting their eyes, spines and brains with camphor and other chemicals; shooting children in order to perform autopsies on them; exposing healthy prisoners to yellow fever and extreme X-ray radiation for study; sterilizing and castrating prisoners; draining the blood of children for study, and cutting off body parts of female prisoners for tissue cultures.
-New York Times2

For He will give his angels charge over you
to guard you in all your ways
The Lord shall keep thee from all evil,
He shall keep thy soul
The Lord will guard you as you come and go,
henceforth and forever.
-Psalms 91:11, 121:7-8


1 Germaine Tillion, Ravensbruck (New York: Anchor, 1975), p.77, as cited in Fackenheim, To Mend the World, p. 213.

2 New York Times, January 23, 1985.

