Abravanel, Isaac (Abarbanel)
1437-1508 Portugal, Spain, Italy
Medieval Jewish philosopher and biblical exegete; statesman

Agus, Jacob B.
20th century United States
Jewish author and historical writer

384-322 B.C.E. Greece
Greek philosopher

354-430 North Africa
Church father, philosopher

Aquinas, Thomas
ca. 1225-1274 Italy
Medieval Catholic philosopher

Baal ShemTov, Israel ben Eliezer (“Besht”)
ca. 1700-1760 Eastern Europe
Founder of Hasidic movement

Belkin, Samuel
20th century United States
Jewish scholar and writer; president. Yeshiva University

Berdyaev, Nikolai
1874-1948 Russia
Christian Marxist

Berg, Philip S.
20th century United States, Israel
Jewish writer on kabbalistic subjects

Berkovits, Eliezer
20th century United States, Israel
Orthodox Jewish thinker and writer

Bleich, J. David
20th century United States
Orthodox Jewish halakhist and scholar of Jewish philosophy

Borowitz, Eugene
20th century United States
Reform Jewish theologian

Buber, Martin
20th century Germany, Israel
Jewish philosopher and scholar
Camus, Albert
1913-1959 France
Philosopher and creative writer

Cohen, Arthur
20th century United States
Jewish theological writer

Cohen, Hermann
1842-1918 Germany
German school philosopher as well as Jewish philosopher

ca. 342-270 B.C.E. Greece
Philosopher; founder of Epicureanism

Fackenheim, Emil
20th century Germany, Canada
Jewish philosopher

Frankl, Viktor E.
20th century Austria, United States
Psychiatrist, author

Gersonides (Rav Levi ben Gershon; acronym: RaLbaG)
1288-1344 France
Medieval Jewish philosopher, biblical exegete, mathematician, astronomer, and talmudist

Gordis, Robert
20th century United States
Jewish thinker, writer, and biblical scholar

Greenberg, Hayim
1889-1953 United States
Jewish political and social thinker

Greenberg, Irving
20th century United States
Jewish thinker and writer

Hartman, David
20th century United States, Israel
Jewish thinker and writer

Herberg, Will
20th century United States
Jewish thinker and writer

Herder, Johann Gottfried
1744-1803 Germany
Philosopher of history

Heschel, Abraham Joshua
20th century Poland, Gemany, United States
Jewish scholar, thinker, and writer

Hick, John
20th century England
Philosopher and writer

Hirsch, Samson Raphael
1808-1888 Austria, Germany
Jewish scholar, thinker, and writer

Ibn Daud, Abraham
ca. 1110-1180 Spain
Medieval Jewish philosopher and historian, the first purely Aristote- lian Jewish philosopher

Ibn Ezra, Abraham
1089-1164 primarily Spain
Medieval Jewish biblical exegete, thinker, grammarian, and poet

Ibn Ezra, Isaac
12th century Spain, Egypt, Iraq
Medieval writer and poet. son of Abraham ibn Ezra: for a period, professed Islam

Ignatius of Loyola
1491-1556 Spain, France
Catholic thinker; founder of Society of Jesus (Jesuits)

ca. 140-202 Asia Minor, Gaul
Catholic philosopher: a father of the Greek Church

Jacobs, Louis
20th century England
Jewish thinker and writer

Jung, Carl Gustave
1875-1961 Switzerland
Founder: analytic psychology

Kadushin, Max
20th century United States
Jewish thinker, scholar and writer

Kafka, Franz
1883-1924 Austria
Poet and writer of psychological and philosophical fiction

Kook, Abraham Isaac
1865-1935 Palestine
Neo-kabbalistic thinker, writer, and halakhist: (Ashkenazic) Chief Rabbi of Palestine

Kushner, Harold
20th century United States
Conservative rabbi and author

Lamm, Norman
20th century United States
Orthodox Jewish thinker and writer; president of Yeshiva University

Leibowitz, Nehama
20th century Israel
Orthodox Jewish biblical exegete

Luria, Isaac (the “Ari”)
1534-1572 Palestine, (educated in Egypt)
Founder: Lurianic kabbalistic school

Luzzatto, Moses Hayyim (acronym: “Ramhal”)
1707-1747 Italy, Germany, Holland, Palestine
Jewish halakhist, philosopher, mystic, and poet

Maimonides, Moses (Moses ben Maimon; acronym: “Rambarn”)
1135-1204 Spain, Palestine, Egypt
Medieval Jewish philosopher, exegete, codifier, halakhist, and medical writer

ca. 215-276 Babylonia
Founder of Manichaeism

Merton, Thomas
20th century United States
Catholic philosopher and writer

Mill, John Stuart
1806-1873 primarily England
Major exponent of Utilitarianism

Milton, John
1608-1674 England

Nachmanides, Moses (Moses ben Nachman; acronym: “Ramban”)
ca. 1194-1270 Spain, Palestine
Medieval Jewish exegete, halakhist, and philosopher. His biblical commentaries combine rational interpretation with insistence on kabbalistic implications.

Nicholas of Cusa
Roman Catholic philosopher

Philo (Philo of Alexandria; Philo Judaeus)
20 B.C.E.-50 C.E.
Hellenistic Jewish philosopher and exegete

Philoponus, John
6th century Egypt
Philosopher, commentator on Aristotle, grammarian, and theologian

Rousseau, Jean-Jacques
1712-1778 primarily France
Philosopher and author

Russel, Bertrand
20th century England
Mathematician and philosopher

Saadia Gaon (Saadyah ben Joseph)
882-942 Egypt, Palestine, Babylonia
Medieval Jewish philosopher, halakhist. poet, translator, and grammarian

Sartre, Jean-Paul
20th century France

Scherman, Nosson
20th century United States
Orthodox Jewish writer and editor

Schulweis, Harold M.
20th century United States
Jewish thinker and writer

Schlesinger, George
20th century United States
Thinker and writer

Scholem, Gershom
20th century Germany, Israel
Jewish authority on Kabbalah

470-399 B.C.E. Greece
Greek philosopher: teacher of Plato

Soloveitchik, Joseph B.
20th century United States
Orthodox Jewish philosopher and halakhist

Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr
20th century Russian, United States

Spero, Shubert
20th century United States
Jewish thinker and writer

Spinoza, Baruch
1632-1677 Holland
Philosopher, Jewish

Steinsaltz, Adin
20th century Israel
Jewish writer, talmudic commentator, and religious thinker

Stitskin, Leon D.
20th century United States
Jewish thinker and writer

Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre
1881-1955 France
Christian philosopher and paleontologist

Tillich, Paul
20th century Germany, United States
Protestant theologian

Unamuno, Miguel de
1864-1936 Spain
Writer and philosopher

Vital, Hayyim (“Calabrese”)
1543-1620 Palestine, Syria
(Jewish) Lurianic kabbalist

Whitehead, Alfred North
1861-1947 England
Mathematician and philosopher

Wiesel, Elie
20th century Transylvania, France, United States
Jewish thinker and writer

Wolfson, Harry Austryn
20th century United States
Historian of philosophy and authority on Jewish philosophy

Younger, Irving
20th century United States
Judge, professor of law
