Aaron ha-Levi of Staroselye, divine consciousness of man, 128
Abraham bar Hiyya, evil as negation, 94
Akedat Yitzchak (Binding of Isaac), 21,172-73
Aristotle: divine consciousness of man, 136, 146; knowledge and ascendancy of man, 112; origins of universe, 58
Augustine: divine consciousness of man, 136; divine justice permitting existence of evil, 33-34
Baal Shem Tov (Israel ben Eliezer): evil as negation, 92; obscurity of God, 158
Barukh of Shklov, monotheistic characteristics of Judaism, 40
Belkin, Samuel, man seeking fuller freedom, 107
Berdyaev, Nikolai, Holy quest for potential, 80
Berkovits, Eliezer: Binding of Isaac, 173; divine consciousness of man, 127-28, 134, 137; divine interaction with man, 12; evil as negation, 95; Holy quest for potential, 80; knowledge and ascendancy of man, 117; logic in Judaism, 43; man seeking fuller freedom, 107, 111, and infinity, 99, 102; potential of man, 89; prayer and divine interaction with man, 179-80
Bleich, J. David: divine consciousness of man, 136; man seeking infinity, 102, logic in Judaism, 43; prayer and divine interaction with man, 82-83
Buber, Martin: divine consciousness of man, 129-30, 133-34; divine interaction with man, 11; man seeking infinity, 98; prayer and divine interaction with man, 180
Camus, Albert: divine justice permitting existence of evil, 33; God and justice, 4
Cohen, A., man seeking fuller freedom, 108; man and divine consciousness, 140
Cohen, Hermann: logic in Judaism, 42; and seeking infinity, 99
Consciousness, man and divine consciousness, 117-49, 153-55
Cordovero, Moses ben Jacob, divine justice permitting existence of evil, 32
Creation: and divine consciousness of man, 121, 135, 145; origins of universe, purpose and potential of man, 53-147
Death as punishment, 9-16
Dostoyevsky, Fyodor, God and justice, 4
Einstein, Albert, knowledge and ascendancy of man, 111
Emunah Ramah, 29, 138
Epicurus, divine justice permitting existence of evil, 33
Euclid, knowledge and ascendancy of man, 111
Evil: divine justice permitting existence of, 31-36; in Judaism, 93-94; as negation, 91-97
Fackenheim, Emil: divine consciousness of man, 119, 130; Holocaust, dejection and discouragement, 6; man’s rational morality, 47, and comprehension of God, 27; monotheistic characteristics of Judaism, 40
Frankl, Victor, freedom for man, 13, 154
Freedom of man, 153-55; in his sphere, 159-65; man seeking highest levels, 13-14, and comprehension of God, 16, 19
From Death Camp to Existentialism, 13
Galileo, knowledge and ascendancy of man, 111
Garden of Eden parable, 170; divine consciousness of man, 121, 135, 145; potential of man, 86-89, 156, 159, 161, 169
The Gate of Reward, 24-25
Gersonides. Rav Levi: divine consciousness of man, 132, 136, 138; Halachic amendments, 171; monotheistic characteristics of Judaism, 40; origins of universe, 58
God: eternity of, 56-60; hiding of face, 16-17,27,30,63, 124, 128-30, 138-43, 146-47; Holy potential of the divine, 61, 64-78
God and justice, 3-9; divine interaction with man, 17-30, and permitting existence of evil, 31-36; Holocaust, dejection and discouragement, 4-8; man and rational morality, 44-50, and comprehension of God, 17-30
Gordis, Robert: evil as negation, 97; God and justice, 8; Holy quest for potential, 80; man seeking fuller freedom, 107, and infinity, 104; prayer and divine interaction with man, 181
Greenberg, Hayim, man’s comprehension of God, 24
Greenberg, Irving: divine consciousness of man, 140, 147; Holy quest for potential, 80; man seeking infinity, 103
Guide to the Perplexed, 113
Gulag Archipelago, 13
Halevi, Yehuda, logic in Judaism, 43
Hanassi, Yehudah, knowledge and ascendancy of man, 111
Hasdai ben Abraham Crescas, evil as negation, 94
Hawking, Stephen, origins of universe, 58
Herberg, Will, knowledge and ascendancy of man, 117
Heschel, Abraham Joshua: freedom of man, 110, 160; man and God, linkage between, 74; man seeking infinity, 102
Hester Panim, 16-1 7, 27, 30, 63; divine consciousness of man, 124, 128-30, 140-41, 146; man and divine consciousness, 118, 120-22, 124, 129-33, 138-40, 143, 146-47; obscurity of God, 158-59; prayer and divine interaction with man, 178
Hick, John: divine consciousness of man, 153, 159; divine justice permitting existence of evil, 34-35; God and justice, man’s rational morality, 47; man seeking infinity, 99
Hillel, knowledge and ascendancy of man, 111
Hirsch, Samson Raphael; Binding of Isaac, 173; man seeking fuller freedom, 105; prayer and divine interaction with man, 182-83
Holocaust: dejection and discouragement, 4-8; divine consciousness of man, 120,124, 130-31, 146-47, and interaction with man, 10-16; man’s comprehension of God, 24, 26; moral evil, 13-1 4; pain and suffering of man, 153-54, 161, 163-67
Ibn Daud, Abraham: divine consciousness of man, 136, 138; man’s comprehension of God, 29; monotheistic characteristics of Judaism, 37-38
Ibn Ezra, Abraham; evil as negation, 94; knowledge and ascendancy of man, 111-14; man’s quest for potential, 72
Ibn Ezra, Moses, monotheistic characteristics of Judaism, 38
Ibn Falquera, Shem Tov, prayer and divine interaction with man, 183
Ibn Zaddik, Joseph, evil as negation, 94
Ignatius, Saint, man’s rational morality, 47
“In Dust and Ashes,” 241
renaeus: divine justice permitting existence of evil, 33-36; evil as negation, 95
Isaac, Binding of Isaac, 12, 172-73
Jefferson, Thomas, knowledge and ascendancy of man, 111
John Philoponus, origins of universe, 58
Judaism, Halachic amendments, 169-71 ; logic against intellectual Haws in leaps of faith, 9, 23, 25, 31, 36,41-44; mon-otheistic characteristics, 36-41
Jung, Carl Gustave: divine interaction with man, 11; divine justice permitting existence of evil, 33
Justice and God, 3-9, 17-36,44-50
Kabbalism: divine consciousness of man, 127-28; divine justice permitting existence of evil, 34; freedom of man, 135; intellect of Judaism, 40; knowledge and ascendancy of man, 114; man’s comprehension of God, 16, 19, 30; origins of universe, 59, 66-69; prayer and divine interaction with man, 177; primordial divine, 65
Kafka, Franz, divine justice permitting existence of evil, 33
Kant, Immanuel: Binding of Isaac, 173; divine interaction with man, 16
Kierkegaard, Soren, Binding of Isaac, 173
Knowledge and ascendancy of man, 111-17
Kook, Abraham Isaac: divine consciousness of man, 154; evil as negation, 92; Holy Divine, potential. 71, and quest for potential, 80; knowledge and ascendancy of man, 114; man seeking fuller freedom, 110, and infinity, 98, 100, 102-104; monotheistic characteristics of Judaism, 40
Kushner, Harold, divine justice permitting existence of evil, 33
Lamm, Norman: divine consciousness of man, 120, 140, 146; knowledge and ascendancy of man, 116; man’s comprehension of God, 26-27; obscurity of God, 158
Leaps of faith, logic against intellectual flaws in Judaism, 9, 23, 25, 31, 36,4 144
Leibowitz, Nehama, divine consciousness of man, 142-43
Levi Yitzhak of Berdiczev, man’s comprehension of God, 31
Luzzatto, L., divine consciousness of man, 124, 129, 142
Mackie, H. J., divine justice permitting existence of evil, 33
McCloskey, J. L., divine justice permitting existence of evil, 33
McLuhan, Marshall, logic in Judaism, 42
Mainionides, Moses: divine consciousness of man, 121-22, 136, 139; evil as negation, 91, 94, 97; knowledge and ascendancy of man, 113; man’s comprehension of God, 20-2 1, 29, and rational morality, 45-46; monotheistic characteristics of Judaism, 38; origins of universe, 58; prayer and divine interaction with man, 181-83
Man: ascendancy through knowledge, 111-17; comprehension of God, 17-30; divine consciousness of God, 117-49, 153-55, and divine interaction, 75-76; freedom of man, 104-11; monotheism and intellect of Judaism, 38-41; prayer and divine interaction with man, 176-83; purposes and potential, 53-147; seeking infinity, 98-104
Mani (Manichaean), evil as negation, 93
Manifestations, creation, purposes and potential, 53-147
Masorah: divine consciousness of man, 124, 126; God and justice, 7-8; Judaism and Halachic amendments, 169-71
Meklenburg, Jacob Zebi, prayer and divine interaction with man, 182
Merton, Thomas, man seeking infinity, 99
Milchamoth Hashem, 138
Mill, John Stuart, man seeking fuller freedom, 106; potential of man, 89
Milton, John, evil as negation, 92
Morality, God and justice, man’s rational morality, 44-50
Mysticism, religion and science, origins of universe, 56-60
Nachmanides, Moses, linkage of man and God, 75; man seeking fuller freedom, 105, and comprehension of God, 24-25
Noachide Law, freedom of man, 106-107
Pain and suffering: divine justice permitting existence of evil, 31-36; Holocaust, 153-54, 161, 163-67; man’s comprehension of God, 20; personal experience of, 155-58, 160-65; as punishment, 9-16; tdik, saintly one, 17-18 ,28-29
Pascal, Blaise, man seeking infinity, 99
Philo of Alexandria: divine consciousness of man, 123, 146; evil as negation, 94; man seeking fuller freedom, 107; origins of universe
Plato, knowledge and ascendancy of man, 111
Prayer, man and divine interaction, 17683
Press, Newtol, potential of man, 77
Rashi, Binding of Isaac, 172; divine consciousness of man, 130, 143; knowledge and ascendancy of man, 111
Russell, Bertrand, divine justice permitting existence of evil, 33
Saadia, Gaon: divine consciousness of man, 136-37; monotheistic characteristics of Judaism, 37, 40
Sacrifice, Binding of Isaac, 21, 172-73
Sartre, Jean-Paul, man seeking infinity, 99
Schernman, Nossen, Holy Divine and potential, 69; obscurity of God, 158
Schlesinger, George, divine justice permitting existence of evil, 35
Scholem,G., divine consciousness of man, 127, 135, 142; man seeking infinity, 100
Schulweis, Harold M.: divine consciousness of man, 135; divine interaction with man, 11, 14-15; God and justice, man’s rational morality, 46
Science and religion, origins of universe, 56-60
Soloveitchik, Joseph B,: divine consciousness of man, 124: evil as negation, 92, 105, 107, 110; freedom of man, 154; Hester Panim, 128-30, 14 I, 146; Holocaust, dejection and discouragement, 6; Holy Divine and potential, 70, 79; Holy quest for potential, 79; man seeking infinity, 102, and quest for potential, 72; monotheistic characteristics of Judaism, 38, 40; prayer and divine interaction with man, 179, 181
Solzhenitsyn, Aleksander, freedom of man, 13
Spero, Shubert, man’s rational morality, 47
Spinoza, Baruch, divine justice permitting existence of evil, 32; origins of universe, 57
Steinsaltz, Adin, divine consciousness of man, 127, 129, 135; knowledge and ascendancy of man, 114; man seeking infinity, 103
Stitskin, Leon D.: man seeking infinity, 99, 102, and comprehension of God, 29; prayer and divine interaction with man, 183
Tagore, Rabindranath, divine justice permitting existence of evil, 33
Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre, knowledge and ascendancy of man, 111
Tennyson Lord Alfred, knowledge and ascendancy of man, 111
Thomas Aquinas: divine consciousness of man, 121, 136-37; divine justice permitting existence of evil, 32-33; evil as negation, 95; gratuitous evil and theistic faith, 14; Holy quest for potential, 80; knowledge and ascendancy of man, 111-12; logic in religion, 44
Tillich, Paul, divine justice permitting existence of evil, 32 Tragic Sense of Life, The (Unamuno), 90
“Tree of Knowledge/Potential,” 61-63, 81-91, 109-12, 114-15, 145,156, 166, I70
“Tree of Life/BIiss,” 61, 83-87
Unamuno, Miguel de, potential of man, 90
Vilna Gaon, knowledge and ascendancy of man, 111; monotheistic characteristics of Judaism, 40
Vital, Hayyim, Holy Divine and potential, 69
Wiesel, Elie, God and justice, 4 World to come, man’s pain and suffering, 17-18, 20
Yannai, comprehension of God’s ways, 20
Younger, Irving, man seeking fuller freedom, 106
Zoroastrianism: divine justice permitting existence of evil, 32; evil as negation, 93